Ro: Hello folks! V-am publicat comentariile la ultima postare insa de postat nici nu am avut timp si nici dispozitia necesara dar am astazi in sfarsit m-am decis sa revin. Urma sa fac aceasta postare aseara dar de oboseala am adormit foarte devreme. Asadar pozele!
En: Hello folks! I published all your comments for the last post but I didn`t have time nor was I in the right mood to post anything else but today I finally decided to come back. I was supposed to post last evening but I fell asleep very early because I was tired. So the photos!
Luni / Monday
Ro: Era gol frigiderul asa ca a trebuit sa iesim sa cumparam cate ceva :p
En: The fridge was empty so we had to go out and buy something :p
Marti / Tuesday
Ro: George Michael - "Father figure". Am ascultat-o de muuuulte ori. O iubesc si il iubesc si pe el pentru vocea sa!
En: George Michael - "Father figure". I listened to it soooo many times. I love it and I love him for his voice!
Miercuri / Wednesday
Ro: Am iesit la window shopping :)) Am purtat o rochie neagra, accesorii de bronz si o esarfa. Am avut un machiaj intens in tonuri de verde si buze nude.
En: I went window shopping :)) I wore a black dress, bronze accessories and a scarf. I had an intense green makeup and nude lips.
Joi / Thursday (2)
Ro: Am acoperit copacul care era pictat pe unul dintre pereti. Am vospit camera noastra in alte culori ;) Ghiciti ce?
En: I covered the tree that was painted on one of the walls. We dyed our room in other colours. Can you guess what?
Ro: Iar am mers la cumparaturi. De data aceasta am luat mai multe decat data trecuta si amfost plecati pana tarziu.
En: We went shopping again. This time we bought more than last time and we stayed out late
Vineri / Friday
Ro: Biscuiti umpluti cu crema de cacao. I-am mancat pe toti! :D
En: Biscuits filled with cocoa cream. I ate all of them! :D
Sambata / Saturday
Ro: Copila mea Carlita. E atat de frumoasa si dulce! Aici o auzise pe mama in hol si se uita dupa ea.
En: My baby girl Carlita. She is so pretty and cute! She heard my mom in the hall and she was looking for her.
Duminica / Sunday
Ro: Unul dintre motivele pentru care iubesc toamna...
En: One of the reasons why I love autumn...
Va urez sa aveti o saptamana plina de culoare!
Pe curand...
En: Hello folks! I published all your comments for the last post but I didn`t have time nor was I in the right mood to post anything else but today I finally decided to come back. I was supposed to post last evening but I fell asleep very early because I was tired. So the photos!
Luni / Monday
Ro: Era gol frigiderul asa ca a trebuit sa iesim sa cumparam cate ceva :p
En: The fridge was empty so we had to go out and buy something :p
Marti / Tuesday
Ro: George Michael - "Father figure". Am ascultat-o de muuuulte ori. O iubesc si il iubesc si pe el pentru vocea sa!
En: George Michael - "Father figure". I listened to it soooo many times. I love it and I love him for his voice!
Miercuri / Wednesday
Ro: Am iesit la window shopping :)) Am purtat o rochie neagra, accesorii de bronz si o esarfa. Am avut un machiaj intens in tonuri de verde si buze nude.
En: I went window shopping :)) I wore a black dress, bronze accessories and a scarf. I had an intense green makeup and nude lips.
Joi / Thursday (2)
Ro: Am acoperit copacul care era pictat pe unul dintre pereti. Am vospit camera noastra in alte culori ;) Ghiciti ce?
En: I covered the tree that was painted on one of the walls. We dyed our room in other colours. Can you guess what?
Ro: Iar am mers la cumparaturi. De data aceasta am luat mai multe decat data trecuta si amfost plecati pana tarziu.
En: We went shopping again. This time we bought more than last time and we stayed out late
Vineri / Friday
Ro: Biscuiti umpluti cu crema de cacao. I-am mancat pe toti! :D
En: Biscuits filled with cocoa cream. I ate all of them! :D
Sambata / Saturday
Ro: Copila mea Carlita. E atat de frumoasa si dulce! Aici o auzise pe mama in hol si se uita dupa ea.
En: My baby girl Carlita. She is so pretty and cute! She heard my mom in the hall and she was looking for her.
Duminica / Sunday
Ro: Unul dintre motivele pentru care iubesc toamna...
En: One of the reasons why I love autumn...
Va urez sa aveti o saptamana plina de culoare!
Pe curand...
Elutza te-ai intors in sfarsit. Pupici
Vai eu de cand cu renovarile nici timp de mers la magazin nu am avut. Sunt curioasa ce culoare ati facut camera, eu am cugetat mult pentru a mea si pana la urma am facut-o mov, dar din pacate a iesit cu pete asa ca alta distractie cand o zugravesc iarasi. Imi plac si mie biskrem mult. Ador machiaju din poza cu cosul:D
ReplyDeleteTe pup!
La multi ani draga mea Gabriela!!!!! sa fii sanatoasa si frumoasa!!!! pupici!
ReplyDeleteTrebuia! :) Te pup si eu!
ReplyDeleteSi la noi a iesit cu imperfectiuni dar nu e grav,se pot acoperi.
Spor la treaba in continuare!
Multumesc!E un machiaj intens dar asa mai simt nevoia uneori.
Te pup!
ReplyDeleteIti multumesc pentru urari!
Îţi stă superb fără machiaj. Ai frumuseţe naturală atât fizică cât şi sufletească.
ReplyDeleteIti multumesc dar eram machiata in aceste poze.
Cel mai mult conteaza sufletul si desi suna a cliseu cred in asta cu toata puterea.
Te pup!