Salutari! Pozele saptamanii trecuteee!
Luni / Monday
Ro: Ultimele cumparaturi.
En: Last minute shopping.
Marti / Tuesday (3)
Ro: Atat de entuziasmata ca mergeam la munte!
En: So excited that we were going to the mountains!
Ro: Drumul lung cere o pozitie relaxanta.
En: A long road calls for a relaxing position.
Ro: Filmam imprejurimile.
En: I was filming the surroundings.
Miercuri / Wednesday (5)
Ro: Un ceai fierbinte baut de dimineata in vila si brazii plini de zapada = PERFECT!
En: Drinking a hot tea in the villa in the morning and the trees full of snow = PERFECT!
Ro: O aventura frumoasa!
En: A beautiful adventure!
Ro: Obrajii si varful nasului erau asa de rosii dupa o dupa amiaza palpitanta in zapada.
En: The cheecks and the nose tip were so red after an exciting afternoon in the snow.
Ro: Wohoooo! Happy New Year everyoooooone!!!
En: Wohoooo! Happy New Year everyoooooone!!!
Ro: In camera vilei. Tocmai incepuse un program minunat: concertul lui Andre Rieu!
En: In the room. A wonderful program had just began: the Andre Rieu concert!
Joi / Thursday
Ro: Mmm... da... :))
En: Mmm... yeah... :))
Vineri / Friday (5)
Ro: Nu vroiam sa mai plec! :(
En: I didn`t want to leave anymore! :(
Ro: Yeah baby, yeaaaah!
En: Yeah baby, yeaaaah!
Ro: Daca zambeam cu toti dintii e clar ca eram fericita sa ma aflu acolo!
En: If I was smiling with all my teeth it`s pretty clear that I was happy to be there!
Ro: Acasa, in pat mancand un rest de pizza din Sinaia.
En: At home, in bed eating pizza leftovers from Sinaia.
Ro: Tort facut in casa. Yum!
En: Home made cake. Yum!
Sambata / Saturday
Ro: Tarta cu fructe facuta de cumnata lui Silviu. Delicioasa! Multumim, Monica!
En: Fruit tart made by Silviu`s sister-in-law. Delicious! Thank you, Monica!
Duminica / Sunday
Ro: Ma durea spatele si aceasta fetita minunata a venit langa mine fiindca simtea ca nu ma simt bine. Apoi s-a urcat la mine in poala si a stat acolo :)
En: My back was hurting and this wonderful girl came close to me because she felt that I wasn`t feeling good. Then he climbed on my lap and stayed there :)
Sa aveti o zi linistita cu parfum de portocale!
Pe curand...
Luni / Monday
Ro: Ultimele cumparaturi.
En: Last minute shopping.
Marti / Tuesday (3)
Ro: Atat de entuziasmata ca mergeam la munte!
En: So excited that we were going to the mountains!
Ro: Drumul lung cere o pozitie relaxanta.
En: A long road calls for a relaxing position.
Ro: Filmam imprejurimile.
En: I was filming the surroundings.
Miercuri / Wednesday (5)
Ro: Un ceai fierbinte baut de dimineata in vila si brazii plini de zapada = PERFECT!
En: Drinking a hot tea in the villa in the morning and the trees full of snow = PERFECT!
Ro: O aventura frumoasa!
En: A beautiful adventure!
Ro: Obrajii si varful nasului erau asa de rosii dupa o dupa amiaza palpitanta in zapada.
En: The cheecks and the nose tip were so red after an exciting afternoon in the snow.
Ro: Wohoooo! Happy New Year everyoooooone!!!
En: Wohoooo! Happy New Year everyoooooone!!!
Ro: In camera vilei. Tocmai incepuse un program minunat: concertul lui Andre Rieu!
En: In the room. A wonderful program had just began: the Andre Rieu concert!
Joi / Thursday
Ro: Mmm... da... :))
En: Mmm... yeah... :))
Vineri / Friday (5)
Ro: Nu vroiam sa mai plec! :(
En: I didn`t want to leave anymore! :(
Ro: Yeah baby, yeaaaah!
En: Yeah baby, yeaaaah!
Ro: Daca zambeam cu toti dintii e clar ca eram fericita sa ma aflu acolo!
En: If I was smiling with all my teeth it`s pretty clear that I was happy to be there!
Ro: Acasa, in pat mancand un rest de pizza din Sinaia.
En: At home, in bed eating pizza leftovers from Sinaia.
Ro: Tort facut in casa. Yum!
En: Home made cake. Yum!
Sambata / Saturday
Ro: Tarta cu fructe facuta de cumnata lui Silviu. Delicioasa! Multumim, Monica!
En: Fruit tart made by Silviu`s sister-in-law. Delicious! Thank you, Monica!
Duminica / Sunday
Ro: Ma durea spatele si aceasta fetita minunata a venit langa mine fiindca simtea ca nu ma simt bine. Apoi s-a urcat la mine in poala si a stat acolo :)
En: My back was hurting and this wonderful girl came close to me because she felt that I wasn`t feeling good. Then he climbed on my lap and stayed there :)
Sa aveti o zi linistita cu parfum de portocale!
Pe curand...
Dulciurile alea.. yum!
DeleteAtat papanasii, cat si tarta cu fructe si tortul cu crema de cacao sunt printre preferatele mele si le-as manca la orice ora! :))
Te pupacesc!
Te invidiez pt vacanta la munte, dar asa prieteneste. Lasand gluma la o parte, ma bucur pentru tine, meriti o asa escapada.
DeleteMultumesc!Imi doresc foarte mult sa se duca si mama intr-o astfel de escapada,ea merita si mai mult!
Te pup!
Nu mănânc papanași de o viață. Pupici
DeleteTimpul in care nu stiam de papanasi este un timp pierdut :))) Glumesc!Dar chiar imi pare rau ca nu i-am descoperit mai devreme :)
Si eu te puuuuuup!