Buna seara! Astazi nu mai stam la vorba, va pun pozele si va urez sa aveti o saptamana pufoasa ca ciucurii de la fular :p
Luni / Monday
Ro: Un amestec de oua cu legume, ciuperci si alte bunatati.
En: A mix of eggs and vegetables, mushrooms and other goodies.
Marti / Tuesday (2)
Ro: Ochii nefardati si buzele rosii. Simplu si de efect!
En: No eyeshadows on my lids and red lips. Simple but bold!
Ro: Cuibarit intr-un colt al teraiului, cu capul printre firele de fan :)
En: All cuddled up in a corner of the terrarium with his head through the strands of hay :)
Miercuri / Wednesday (2)
Ro: Nu pot rezista mai mult de doua saptamani fara paste. De fapt le-as manca zilnic.
En: I can`t last more thantwo weeks with pasta. In fact I would eat them every day.
Joi / Thursday
Ro: Cuscus cu piept de pui.
En: Kouskous with chicken breast.
Vineri / Friday
Ro: In Afi Palace Cotroceni au acoperit fundul bazinelor cu pietricele si arata mult mai bine asa. Ne-am oprit putin acolo ca sa ne relaxam.
En: In Afi Palace Cotroceni they coverd the bottom of the water pools with pebbles and it looks much better this way. We stopped there to relax.
Sambata / Saturday (4)
Ro: Ne-am plimbat prin Herastrau si iata cine era acolo. Pisica superba pe care v-am aratat-o si anul trecut.
En: We went for a walk in Herastrau and look who was there. The gorgeous cat that I showed you last year.
Ro: Mda... :)))
En: Yeah... :)))
Ro: Turta dulce de la mama. A fost asa delicioasa!
En: Gingerbread from my mother. It was so delicious!
Duminica / Sunday (5)
Ro: Placinta cu mar umplut cu dulceata si scortisoara preparata de cumnata lui Silviu. Oooo Doamne, a fost miam!
En: A pie with apple filled with jam and cinnamon cooked by Silviu`s sister-in-law. Oooh god it was miam!
Ro: Micutul Matei cred ca o sa inceapa sa mearga in curand. Cresc asa de repede!
En: I think that little Matei will walk soon. They grow up so fast!
Ro: Pupaceala!
En: Kisses!
Ro: Bucuros ca este in centrul atentiei!
En: Happy to be the center of attention!
Ro: Fiindca atunci cand eram mica nu am avut paturi suprapuse a trebuit sa ma urc si eu acolo! :D
En: When I was little I didn`t have bunk beds so I had to go up there! :D
V-am pupat!
Pe curand...
Luni / Monday
Ro: Un amestec de oua cu legume, ciuperci si alte bunatati.
En: A mix of eggs and vegetables, mushrooms and other goodies.
Marti / Tuesday (2)
Ro: Ochii nefardati si buzele rosii. Simplu si de efect!
En: No eyeshadows on my lids and red lips. Simple but bold!
Ro: Cuibarit intr-un colt al teraiului, cu capul printre firele de fan :)
En: All cuddled up in a corner of the terrarium with his head through the strands of hay :)
Miercuri / Wednesday (2)
Ro: Nu pot rezista mai mult de doua saptamani fara paste. De fapt le-as manca zilnic.
En: I can`t last more thantwo weeks with pasta. In fact I would eat them every day.
Joi / Thursday
Ro: Cuscus cu piept de pui.
En: Kouskous with chicken breast.
Vineri / Friday
Ro: In Afi Palace Cotroceni au acoperit fundul bazinelor cu pietricele si arata mult mai bine asa. Ne-am oprit putin acolo ca sa ne relaxam.
En: In Afi Palace Cotroceni they coverd the bottom of the water pools with pebbles and it looks much better this way. We stopped there to relax.
Sambata / Saturday (4)
Ro: Ne-am plimbat prin Herastrau si iata cine era acolo. Pisica superba pe care v-am aratat-o si anul trecut.
En: We went for a walk in Herastrau and look who was there. The gorgeous cat that I showed you last year.
Ro: Mda... :)))
En: Yeah... :)))
Ro: Turta dulce de la mama. A fost asa delicioasa!
En: Gingerbread from my mother. It was so delicious!
Duminica / Sunday (5)
Ro: Placinta cu mar umplut cu dulceata si scortisoara preparata de cumnata lui Silviu. Oooo Doamne, a fost miam!
En: A pie with apple filled with jam and cinnamon cooked by Silviu`s sister-in-law. Oooh god it was miam!
Ro: Micutul Matei cred ca o sa inceapa sa mearga in curand. Cresc asa de repede!
En: I think that little Matei will walk soon. They grow up so fast!
Ro: Pupaceala!
En: Kisses!
Ro: Bucuros ca este in centrul atentiei!
En: Happy to be the center of attention!
Ro: Fiindca atunci cand eram mica nu am avut paturi suprapuse a trebuit sa ma urc si eu acolo! :D
En: When I was little I didn`t have bunk beds so I had to go up there! :D
V-am pupat!
Pe curand...
Hmm arata tare bine salata :D
ReplyDeletevai cat de scumpa este pisicuta!!!!
ReplyDeleteSa stii ca si eu as manca zilnic paste daca as putea :)) si pizza la fel :P
Beauty and others,
ReplyDeleteCea cu oua si legume?
ReplyDeleteDau dependenta!
Te pup!