Saturday, 20 October 2012


   Ro: Tinuta de astazi (bine nu chiar de astazi caci nu am purtat-o astazi dar intelegeti voi ce am vrut sa zic :p) poate fi purtata la scoala sau la o iesire cu fetele. Este dragutica dar sexy, confortabila dar casual - elegant si m-am distrat pe cinste in ea! Fusta ma face sa ma simt foarte fresh si inocenta dar interesanta si feminina, botinele imi ofera inaltimea care imi place fara sa ma doara picioarele.

   En: Today`s outfit (well not today`s because I didn`t really wear it today but you know what I mean :p) can be worn in school or when going out with the girls. It`s cute yet sexy, comfy yet casual- elegant and I had so much fun with it! The skirt makes me feel so fresh and innocent but still interesting and feminine, the boots give me the height that I like without making my feet hurt.

   Ro: Ca machiaj am cochetat in ultima vreme cu nuante intense de rosu, mov sau maro. Pentru aceasta iesire am optat pentru un maro rosiatic iar pentru ochi o nuanta splendida de taupe si tus negru. Machiajul si tinuta cred ca fac pereche buna. 
   Parul l-am lasat natural, adica ondulat si mi se pare ca da un aspect un pic neglijent, salbatic tinutei, potrivindu-se cu tematica de school girl data si de fusta plisata. Si dupa cum vedeti am si acadeaua in mana, ca sa fie complet :))

   En: For my makeup lately I`ve been using a lot of intense shades of red, mauve or brown. For this occasion I chose a redish brown and for my eyes a splendid taupe and black ink liner. I think that the makeup and the outfit do a very good job together.
   I left my hair natural, wavy and I think it gives a careless, wild feel to the outfit matching the school girl theme also given by the pleated skirt. And as you can see I also have a lollipop in my hand to make it complete :))

   Ro: Geaca - Feifa Fashion
         Bluza - No name
         Fusta - AA Mosim Family
         Dresuri - No name
         Geanta - No name
         Cercei - Avon
         Inel - Meli Melo
         Botine -Feel Queen (Leonardo)

   En: Jacket - Feifa Fashion
        Blouse - No name
        Skirt - AA Mosim Family
        Tights - No name
        Bag - No name
        Earrings - Avon
        Ring - Meli Melo
        Boots - Feel Queen (Leonardo)

   Sa aveti o zi dulce!

   Pe curand...


  1. Tuuuu, la scoala nu-i voie sexy :D

  2. mama natura :X Eva se poate ascunde pe langa nu stiu cum arata ;))

  3. Eşti foarte sexy, Ela, asta pot să-ţi spun cu siguranţă.

  4. Wow, Ela.
    I was struggling to find the right words for this look. But you actually did it sooo well yourself: 'Cute yet sexy.' And also: 'Fresh and innocent but still interesting and feminine.'
    And, yes, this is something that you are still the very best at doing: The combination of sweet girlish looks with something far more feminine and sexy. Never a vulgar schoolgirl Lolita; but always the perfect elegant lady who is in total control of her seductive powers.
    You are about to become my personal goddess, Ela.
    Kisses and compliments.

  5. Mihaela Laitinen,

    Ai ramas in urma,scolile din ziua de azi permit muuuuulte :))
    Acum aserios vorbind fusta asta a mea e scurtuta dar fetele pot adapta in functie de dorinte.

    Te pupacesc!

  6. Anonim,

    :))) Nici eu nu stiu cum arata dar cred ca BESTIAL :))

  7. ZADIN,

    Multumesc frumos!

    Te pup!

  8. Karsten,

    You always have something nice to say.Thank you for your observation and compliments!
    I`ll try to keep it sexy ;)


  9. Anonim,

    Am citit comentariul tau dar l-am sters din greseala :p
    Daca vrei mai scrie-l odata te rog.

  10. Am uitat ce am scris, era vorba despre Eva goala parca? in fine...n-are rost, crede-ma :))

  11. Anonim,

    Spuneai ca ai vrea sa fie moda goliciunii si in ziua de azi doar la fete daca s-ar putea :D

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
