Ro: Buna dimineata, dragi prieteni! Am fost aseara la o plimbare lunga si apoi am mancat o pizza. Cred ca era mai bine daca inversam ordinea intamplarilor nu? :)) Sunt o sustinatoare a unui stil de viata sanatos si ordonat dar tocmai eu ma abat de la principiile dupa care se conduce acesta. E greu sa schimbi ceva cand esti inconjurat de mentalitati si obiceiuri proaste desi asta nu este tocmai o scuza insa e realitatea. Daca va intrebati daca macar a meritat, pot sa va spun ca nu a mai ramas nimic in tava, am devorat tot Silviu si cu mine. Macar nu ne-am culcat imediat dupa desi asta nu conteaza prea mult, stomacul tot afectata este. Ah well, I`m human! Dar vreau ca pe viitor sa fiu mai disciplinata in aceasta privinta si nu numai. Si sper ca asta fie posibil cand ma voi intretine singura.
Voi mancati sanatos sau mancati mai mult decat ar trebui, din cand in cand?
En: Good morning, dear friends! I went for a long walk last eveningand then I ate pizza. I think it would have been better if it was the other way around right? :)) I support the idea of living a healthy and organized but I`m the one who stray from the principles of it. It`s hard changing something when you`re surrounded by bad habits and mentalities even though that shouldn`t exactly be an excuse but it`s the reality. If you`re wondering if it was woth it, let`s just say that there were no left overs, Silviu and I devoured the entire thing. At least we didn`t go to bed right after that though that doesn`t matter too much, the stomach is still affected. Ah well, I`m human!But I want to be more disciplined when it comes to this aspect and not only this one, in the future. And hopefully that will be possible when I will be supporring myself.
Do you eat healthy or do you eat more than you should from time to time?
Luni / Monday
Ro: Coafura cu care am iesit la cumparaturi. O coafura inalta, indrazneata dar purtabila, cel putin pentru mine :)
En: The hair due that I wore when I went shopping. A daring, high hair due that is wearable, at least for me it is :)
Marti / Tuesday
Ro: Esarfa aceasta mi-a tinut de cald . Este una dintre preferatele mele dar anul trecut am purtat-o foarte des... la dus :)) :p
En: This scarf kept me warm. It`s one of my favourites but last year I wore very often... in the shower :)) :p
Miercuri / Wednesday
Ro: Taz cel pufos :)
En: Fluffy Taz :)
Joi / Thursday (3)
Ro: Plimbandu-ma am vazut intr-un copac un pisoi si apoi am mai vazut inca doi. I-am fotografiat sa ii vedti si voi cat de draguti sunt!
En: As I was walking around I saw a kitten and the two more. I took pictures so you could see how cute they are!
Vineri / Friday
Ro: Ne intorsesem de la cumparaturi.
En: In the evening coming back from shopping.
Sambata / Saturday
Ro: Un cadou de la mama pentru Silviu si mine.
En: A present for Silviu and me from my mother.
Duminica / Sunday
Ro: In parc. Desi plouase a fost cald.
En: In the park. Although it had rained it was quite warm.
Sa aveti o saptamana frumoasa ca voi!
Pe curand...
Voi mancati sanatos sau mancati mai mult decat ar trebui, din cand in cand?
En: Good morning, dear friends! I went for a long walk last eveningand then I ate pizza. I think it would have been better if it was the other way around right? :)) I support the idea of living a healthy and organized but I`m the one who stray from the principles of it. It`s hard changing something when you`re surrounded by bad habits and mentalities even though that shouldn`t exactly be an excuse but it`s the reality. If you`re wondering if it was woth it, let`s just say that there were no left overs, Silviu and I devoured the entire thing. At least we didn`t go to bed right after that though that doesn`t matter too much, the stomach is still affected. Ah well, I`m human!But I want to be more disciplined when it comes to this aspect and not only this one, in the future. And hopefully that will be possible when I will be supporring myself.
Do you eat healthy or do you eat more than you should from time to time?
Luni / Monday
Ro: Coafura cu care am iesit la cumparaturi. O coafura inalta, indrazneata dar purtabila, cel putin pentru mine :)
En: The hair due that I wore when I went shopping. A daring, high hair due that is wearable, at least for me it is :)
Marti / Tuesday
Ro: Esarfa aceasta mi-a tinut de cald . Este una dintre preferatele mele dar anul trecut am purtat-o foarte des... la dus :)) :p
En: This scarf kept me warm. It`s one of my favourites but last year I wore very often... in the shower :)) :p
Miercuri / Wednesday
Ro: Taz cel pufos :)
En: Fluffy Taz :)
Joi / Thursday (3)
Ro: Plimbandu-ma am vazut intr-un copac un pisoi si apoi am mai vazut inca doi. I-am fotografiat sa ii vedti si voi cat de draguti sunt!
En: As I was walking around I saw a kitten and the two more. I took pictures so you could see how cute they are!
Vineri / Friday
Ro: Ne intorsesem de la cumparaturi.
En: In the evening coming back from shopping.
Sambata / Saturday
Ro: Un cadou de la mama pentru Silviu si mine.
En: A present for Silviu and me from my mother.
Duminica / Sunday
Ro: In parc. Desi plouase a fost cald.
En: In the park. Although it had rained it was quite warm.
Sa aveti o saptamana frumoasa ca voi!
Pe curand...
imi place ultima poza, esti atat de adorabila...
ReplyDeleteCe frumoasa e pisicuta aia cocotata in copac :)))) pupici
iti sta bine cu parul prins sus, ca in ultima poza..
ReplyDeleteTe avantajează coafura din prima poză. Îţi stă foarte bine.
ReplyDeleteSaru`mana! ;;)
Sunt 3 pisicute,fiecare in copacelul ei :))
Te pup si eu!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc!Coafura asta e varianta mai sleek si mai cocotata decat cea obisnuita,care tot cam asa arata si e cea mai des abordata.
ReplyDeleteMultumesc mult!
Te pup!