Ro: Tinuta de astazi este un pic mai nonconformista, provocatoare si diferita de ceea ce am purtat pana acum. Se potriveste femeilor cu personalitate puternica, impacate cu sexualitatea lor si mai ales fara teama de nou.
Articolul principal si cel care iese cel mai mult in evidenta sunt dresurile de matase, puse sub niste sorturi scurte si mulate, a caror banda de sus este lasata expres sa se vada. Pentru a echilibra lucrurile si a evita sa fiu totusi prea stridenta, in partea de sus am pus o camasa cu maneci lungi, suflecate peste coate, care la mijloc are niste volanase dragalase. Umerii sunt pusi in valoare de niste aplicatii de inspiratie militara.
Ca incaltaminte am optat pentru sandale desi ar fi mers foarte bine si o pereche de pantofi dar intentia a fost sa se vada ciorapii printre baretele sandalelor.
Aceasta tinuta se poate purta seara, la o iesire intr-un bar sau club.
En: Today`s outfit is a little bit naughty, provocative and it is different from what I usually wear. It is suitable for women with a strong personality, women that are embracing their sexuality, women that are not afraid to try something new.
The main piece of clothing that is standing out are the silk tights, worn under a pair of shorts, with the black band showing on purpose from underneath. Just to balance things and to avoind being too flashy, I paired them with a shirt. The sleeves are rolled bellow the elbows. Right in the center of the shirt there are some cute ruffles. The shoulders are shown off by some military inspired detailing.
On my feet I have sandals even though I could have worn shoes but I wanted to show off the tights through the strips of the sandals.
This outfit can be worn in the evening, when you`re going out maybe to a bar or club.
Yup, it`s a selftimer picture :D
Ro: Camasa - PNK
Sorturi - No name
Dresuri - Rompa
Sandale - Alina
Cercei argint lant - No name
Cercei plastic - No name
Colier - No name
Bratari argint - No name
Inele argint - No name
Inel cu pietricele - No name
Inel - Bulgari
En: Shirt - PNK
Shorts - No name
Shorts - No name
Tights - Rompa
Sandals - Alina
Sandals - Alina
Silver earrings with chains - No name
Plastic earrings - No name
Necklace - No name
Necklace - No name
Silver bracelets - No name
Silver rings - No name
Ring with shiny stones - No name
Ring - Bulgari
Pe curand...
chiar ca are un aer naughty ;) dar iti sta bine asa (sexy) ;)
ReplyDeleteMultumesc! ;;)
Te pup!
Imi plac ciorapii cu astfel de detalii! Looking good, Ela ;)!
ReplyDeleteMa bucur!Thanks a lot! :)
Te pup!
Dearest Ela.
ReplyDeleteLast year, I commented on one of your make-up posts that you have one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen. Not in the 'babe' or Hollywood sense - But beautiful in a timeless, classic, sensual and aristocratic way. And I still mean that.
But now I also note that you show off your 'naughty and provocative' side, as you write. You actually describe it sooo well, when you say that this look is ''for women with a strong personality, women that are embracing their sexuality.''
Pleeeease, Ela, embrace your sexuality, too. Your legs are so long and elegant that you won't risk looking flashy or cheap when you really show them off. You look super-feminine when you show off your legs in their full gorgeous. Black tights with the band showing from underneath the shorts doesn't make you look naughty or provokative, but just very very sexy.
Please post more outfits that show off this other side of you. You will find it an enormous boost for your self-confidence; and land you a title as my absolute dream-woman.
Kisses and compliments.
ReplyDeleteI really wasn`t expecting this comment.Before posting this outfit I was afraid that my viewers would think of this as being too much,I was afraid of a bad feedback but that didn`t happen.Anyway,I`m sure that this style is not for everyone and that maybe I have even offended a few girls and women but this is another side of me and I tend to show it off when I want to feel better about myself and to gain more confidence.
Thank you for appreciating and not judging,you made me feel so good!
I will try to embrace this other part of me and let you,my viewers,see it more often.
Thank you for following my blog and for this visit,thank you for your comment!
Kisses to you too!