Friday, 4 May 2012

Inspired by Poison Flamepoint

   Ro: Azi o sa va arat un machiaj pe care l-am realizat acum doua saptamani. Inspiratia mea a fost Poison Flamepoint si daca va intrebati ce este asta, va lamuresc imediat. Zilnic verific ce noutati mai apar pe You Tube, pe blog-urile din blogroll si mai trag cu ochiul si in blogroll-ul altor bloggeri. Asa am dat peste o tipa extrem de talentata care face niste machiaje fantastice! Va rog, faceti-va putin timp si accesati-i blog-ul. Va promit ca nu o sa fie o pierdere de timp! Este fenomenala!!! Pentru a-i admira minunatele capodopere va invit sa intrati AICI.

   Intr-o zi aveam chef de facut ceva mai complicat asa ca am intrat din nou pe blog-ul ei si am cautat ceva interesant. Am gasit un machiaj de club sau petrecere, pe care am incercat sa il recreez dar am cam esuat. In fine, am facut poze si acum o sa vi le arat si voua. Of! Trebuie sa strang bani si sa imi iau niste liner cu sclipici, niste pigmenti, gene false si cateva pensule care imi lipsesc ca sa pot exersa ca lumea.

   Pentru tutorial dati click AICI.

   En: Today I`m going to show you a makeup that I did two weeks ago. I was inspired by Poison Flamepoint and if you`re wondering what that is, I`ll explain right away. Every day I check out what new stuff are on You Tube, on the blogs that are in my blogroll and sometimes I peak at other bloggers` blogrolls. This is how I found a very talented woman that does amazing makeup looks! Take some of your time and please chek out her blog. I promise it`s not a waste of time! She is phenomenal!!! Click HERE .

   I was in the mood for something more complicated so I searched her blog again looking for something interesting. I found a club or party makeup, that I tried to recreate but failed. Anyway, I took pictures to show them to you guys. Ah! I really should raise some money and buy glitter liner, pigments, false lashes and some brushes that are missing from my makeup kit so I could practise better.

Click HERE if you want to see the tutorial.

   Ro: Acesta este machiajul ei. Intens si frumos! Are unii dintre cei mai superbi ochi pe care i-am vazut vreodata!

   En: This is her makeup. Intense and beautiful! She has one of the most gorgeous eyes that I have ever seen!

   Varianta mea / My version

   Ro: Ea a aratat doar machiajul ochilor,eu am continuat sa fac si restul fetei pentru ca am iesit in seara aceea.

   En: She only did the eyes, I continued to do the rest of the face because I was going out that night.

   Ro: Buze: ruj cremos si ruj de la tub
         Obraji: ruj cremos fixat cu blush.
         Highlight: blush cremos roz frosty fixat cu o combinatie din doua farduri : alb-auriu si roz deschis.

   En: Lips: creamy lipstick and lipstick from a tube
        Cheeks: creamy lipstick and over that blush
        Highlight: creamy blush in a frosty pink and a combination between two eyeshadows: a white with golden reflects and a pink.

   Have a great evening!

   Pe curand...


  1. imi place!
    presupun ca ai facut pozele seara,cred ca ziua s-ar vedea culorile mult mai intens

  2. Cred ca ti-a reusit chiar foarte bine machiajul. Imi place. Felicitari!

  3. Cupcake,

    Ma bucur!Multumesc!
    Tocmai ca acolo unde fac pozele de obicei,din cauza luminii puternice se mai sterge din intensitatea culorilor.In realitate erau mai inchise.

    Te pup!

  4. Di,

    Iti multumesc frumos!Eu nu sunt 100% multumita,se putea si mai bine.

    Te pup!

  5. ti-a iesit super:D daca ai mers la plimbare cred ca ai atras o gramada de priviri;)) :D


  6. Monicuta,

    Mercic mult!
    Au fost cativa care s-au uitat dar mai mult Silviu i-a observat :))

    Te pup!
