Neata! Pozele saptamanale. Scuzati absenta din ultimele luni! Foarte adevarata gluma aceea care spune ca Dumnezeu rade cand omul isi face planuri...
Luni / Monday (3)
Ro: Suc de morcovi.
En: Carrots juice.
Ro: Porcusor murdarior! :)
En: Dirty piggy! :)
Ro: Somnoros, pe perna prietenilor nostri.
En: Sleepy on our friends` pillow.
Marti / Tuesday (2)
Ro: :))
En: :))
Ro: Niciodata nu e prea tarziu ca sa fii fericit. Totusi asta tine numai de tine si nu de altcineva.
En: It`s never too late to be happy. However that is up to you and no one else.
Miercuri / Wednesday
Ro: Mami are treaba la calculator si eu o ajut...
En: Mommy has stuff to do on the computer and I`m helping her...
Joi / Thursday (4)
Ro: A avea un animal e ca si cand ai avea un copil!
En: Having a pet is like having a baby!
Ro: 9 ani si o luna!
En: 9 years and a month!
Ro: Cina lui: aceeasi pizza margherita de la Lidl, pe care v-am aratat-o saptamana trecuta, la care am adaugat: cascaval, porumb, ceapa, chili turcesc, cimbru, piper si curry. Yummm!
En: His dinner: the same pizza from Lidl, that I showed you last week, on top of which we added: cheese, corn, onions, Turkish chili, thyme, pepper and curry. Yummm!
Ro: Cina mea: orez cu somon facut la tigaie fara ulei.
En: My dinner: rice with salmon cooked in a pan without oil.
Vineri / Friday
Ro: Pizza vegetariana de la Azzurro.
En: Vegetarian pizza from Azzurro.
Sambata / Saturday
Ro: Nu am facut poze.
En: I didn`t take photos.
Duminica / Sunday (6)
Ro: Clatite olandeze: 600 g faina, 9 oua, 750 ml lapte, esenta de vanilie, 1/2 lingurita de sare. Foarte consistente si gustoase!
En: Dutch pancakes: 600g flour, 9 eggs, 750 ml lapte, vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon salt. Very filling and delicious!
Ro: Imi venea sa intru in apa!
En: Feeling like going into the water!
Ro: La inaltime!
En: High up!
Ro: :)
En: :)
Ro: Clatita umpluta cu branza de oaie. Foarte buna!
En: Pancake filled with sheep cheese. Very good!
Ro: Desert!
En: Dessert!
Sa aveti o zi fantastica!
Pe curand...
Luni / Monday (3)
Ro: Suc de morcovi.
En: Carrots juice.
Ro: Porcusor murdarior! :)
En: Dirty piggy! :)
Ro: Somnoros, pe perna prietenilor nostri.
En: Sleepy on our friends` pillow.
Marti / Tuesday (2)
Ro: :))
En: :))
Ro: Niciodata nu e prea tarziu ca sa fii fericit. Totusi asta tine numai de tine si nu de altcineva.
En: It`s never too late to be happy. However that is up to you and no one else.
Miercuri / Wednesday
Ro: Mami are treaba la calculator si eu o ajut...
En: Mommy has stuff to do on the computer and I`m helping her...
Joi / Thursday (4)
Ro: A avea un animal e ca si cand ai avea un copil!
En: Having a pet is like having a baby!
Ro: 9 ani si o luna!
En: 9 years and a month!
Ro: Cina lui: aceeasi pizza margherita de la Lidl, pe care v-am aratat-o saptamana trecuta, la care am adaugat: cascaval, porumb, ceapa, chili turcesc, cimbru, piper si curry. Yummm!
En: His dinner: the same pizza from Lidl, that I showed you last week, on top of which we added: cheese, corn, onions, Turkish chili, thyme, pepper and curry. Yummm!
Ro: Cina mea: orez cu somon facut la tigaie fara ulei.
En: My dinner: rice with salmon cooked in a pan without oil.
Vineri / Friday
Ro: Pizza vegetariana de la Azzurro.
En: Vegetarian pizza from Azzurro.
Sambata / Saturday
Ro: Nu am facut poze.
En: I didn`t take photos.
Duminica / Sunday (6)
Ro: Clatite olandeze: 600 g faina, 9 oua, 750 ml lapte, esenta de vanilie, 1/2 lingurita de sare. Foarte consistente si gustoase!
En: Dutch pancakes: 600g flour, 9 eggs, 750 ml lapte, vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon salt. Very filling and delicious!
Ro: Imi venea sa intru in apa!
En: Feeling like going into the water!
Ro: La inaltime!
En: High up!
Ro: :)
En: :)
Ro: Clatita umpluta cu branza de oaie. Foarte buna!
En: Pancake filled with sheep cheese. Very good!
Ro: Desert!
En: Dessert!
Sa aveti o zi fantastica!
Pe curand...
Cat de bine arata pizza vegetariana, mereu ne luam in Scotia cu ulei picant. hot, hot, hot! :))
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